October 4th, 2023
We are pleased to announce that version B of the practical projects for the Foundation and Core in Construction and Building Services Engineering qualification are available to download from the Skills for Wales website.
The new versions of the Practical Projects include:
- new project briefs for each trade area
- new tasks and marking grids
- a reduction in overall size and material requirements to improve the manageability of the practical projects.
You can access and download the latest versions on the qualification page for both the Foundation’ and ‘Core under ‘Live Assessment Materials’. Previous versions are no longer available.
Digital learning resources – New resources for progression unit 201
An additional tutor resource is available and covers the following:
- Unit 201 Employment and employability in the Construction and BSE sector.
This resource is for the Progression in Construction and Building Services Engineering qualification and is available on the Skills for Wales website.
The resource includes:
- Schemes of work
- PowerPoints
- Worksheets
- Multiple-choice questions.
View Progression in Construction unit 201 resource >
View Progression in Building Services Engineering unit 201 resource >
We are also developing – Unit 202 covering ‘Changing practices over time’ which will be available during September 2023.
Navigation tests
As a reminder in addition to the sample assessments that are available, you can also access a ‘Navigation test’ that supports learners with using the testing platform for the City & Guilds Construction qualifications only.
These are available for you to access on the Construction qualification webpages under ‘Sample assessment materials’.
All materials are available in English and Welsh using the toggle feature in the top right of each webpage.