Construction – Solid Plastering

Level 3

The City & Guilds Construction (Level 3) – Solid Plastering qualification was developed to allow those in work-based learning to demonstrate and enhance their occupational knowledge, skills and understanding within this trade. 

It is aimed at learners who have either achieved the Level 2 Foundation in Construction and Building Services Engineering or will be completing the Level 2 Core in Construction and Building Services Engineering learning and assessments while on their apprenticeship. When taken as part of an apprenticeship, this qualification will enable learners to be proven competent and enter employment in this trade, as well as go on to study other level 3 construction courses in other trades.

It is suitable for:

  • learners aged 16+ currently working in the construction sector
  • learners who have either passed the Level 2 Foundation in Construction and Building Services Engineering qualification or will be completing their Foundation learning and assessments while in their apprenticeship
  • learners who have completed the Level 2 Progression in Construction – Solid Plastering.

If taken as part of an apprenticeship, then specific requirements must be met as part of the apprenticeship framework.

Learners will develop their knowledge, skills and understanding in the Solid Plastering trade, as contained in the National Occupational Standards.

Learners will also complete two ‘core’ units covering the construction sector and practice in the sector within Wales. The qualification will be portable throughout the UK and is aimed to develop learners’ ability to meet the demands of the construction sector in Wales, including working with traditional, new and pre-1919 building stock and understanding new and emerging technologies, such as drones and 3D printing.

The qualification is designed to be completed on a part-time basis within an apprenticeship. Before the assessments, learners must first demonstrate their performance and capability to the satisfaction of their employer.

The different entry points on to this qualification mean the assessment routes vary.

If the learner has achieved both the Foundation and Progression qualifications they must successfully complete:

  • one externally-set, externally-marked multiple choice test
  • one employer-set, internally-assessed project covering their chosen trade area
  • one externally-marked professional discussion.

If the learner has achieved the Foundation qualification but not completed the Progression Qualification, they must successfully complete:

  • two externally-set, externally-marked multiple choice tests.
  • one employer-set, internally-assessed project covering their chosen trade area
  • one externally-marked professional discussion.

If the learner takes this Level 3 qualification as part of their apprenticeship without first achieving the Foundation qualification or Progression qualification, they must successfully complete:

  • three externally-set, externally-marked multiple choice tests.
  • one externally-set, internally-marked project
  • one internally-marked guided discussion
  • one employer-set, internally-assessed project covering their chosen trade area
  • one externally-marked professional discussion.
Registering learners onto Level 3 Construction qualifications

To register your Level 3 learners for Construction, you will need to use the Pro platform. For guidance on getting started on Pro and how to register your learners, download the guides.

Getting started in Pro (PDF)

Registering your learners (PDF)

Booking your External Assessment – Gateway & Planning Meeting (PDF)

Level 3 Construction all qualifications – Planning Meeting Required (PDF)

On completion, the qualification will provide learners with the skills and knowledge required for the learner to be capable of working in their chosen trade across the UK.

This page was last updated on 30/07/2024 at 11:57 am